Outreach to Educators

ISEEES is committed to serving K-14 schools and education professionals, the public, business and other professional groups, the US military, and the US government. To meet that mission, we offer a variety of outreach programs, including outreach to educators, a speakers bureau, and a variety of public events, all of which are open to the public. To discuss how ISEEES could meet your outreach needs, please contact Zachary Kelly at (510) 642-7904.

Outreach to Educators

Our mission is, in part, to support K-14 institutions and educational professionals. ISEEES sponsors a teacher outreach conference each spring, offers a speakers bureau service, publishes information for educators in our newsletter, selects links of Web sites that may be useful to educators, and participates in ORIAS(link is external), the outreach program that is jointly supported by the area studies centers at UC Berkeley.

Educator Mailing Lists

ISEEES advertises the upcoming Teacher Outreach Conference and other programs in special mailings, both in print and electronically. Printed announcements are sent to subscribers to our newsletter who have identified themselves as educators; subscription to the newsletter (3 issues a year) is free of charge. Announcements are also sent to our educator email list. Contact Zachary Kelly at (510) 642-7904 or iseees@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) to subscribe to either list or to get more information. We do not sell or share our mailing lists.

39th Educator Outreach Conference
"Liberalism & Its Discontents
in Eastern Europe & Eurasia"

Click here (PDF file) to see the program.

Saturday, April 26, 2014
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Heyns Room, Faculty Club
UC Berkeley Campus

10:00 - 10:45
“The Far Right in Russia and Ukraine”
Andrei Tsygankov
Professor of Political Science and International Relations
San Francisco State University

10:45 - 11:30
“From Liberal to Illiberal Nationalism: the Case of Russia”
Gail Lapidus
Senior Fellow Emerita
Institute for International Studies
Stanford University

11:30 - 12:15
“Putin’s Transformation and What’s Behind It”
M. Steven Fish
Professor of Political Science
UC Berkeley

1:30 - 2:15
“Liberalism in Post-Communist Romania: Parties and Public”
Paul Sum
Professor and Chair
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
University of North Dakota

2:15 - 3:00
“Liberalism and Democracy in Hungary”
Jason Wittenberg
Associate Professor of Political Science
Acting Director of ISEEES
UC Berkeley

3:15 - 4:00
Roundtable Discussion
“What is the Future of Liberalism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia?”

38th Annual Outreach Conference

Putin III: The Aftermath of the Russian Presidential Elections

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Toll Room, Alumni House
UC Berkeley Campus
10 a.m - 4 p.m.

Presentations by:

M. Steven Fish, Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley;

Stephen Holmes, Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law, New York University School of Law;

Barry Ickes, Professor of Economics, Penn State University;

Maria Lipman, Editor of the Pro et Contra journal, published by Carnegie Moscow Center;

Alexei Yurchak, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UC Berkeley.

Free and Open to the Public. For details call 510-642-9107.  Travel stipends are available for teachers and community college educators. To request a travel stipend, please email adubinsky@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) by 4/27/2012.

Sponsored by the Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
at the University of California, Berkeley, (510) 642-3230. 

ISEEES is a National Resource Center, with funding from the US Department of Education under Title VI.