ISEEES Fellowships

Service to UC Berkeley graduate students is a primary ISEEES function, and through a combination of intra- and extramural funding, it offers a variety of graduate student assistance, including fellowships, graduate student training grants, conference travel grants, and grants for research-related travel. Individual fellowships and grants for graduate students focusing on Hungarian, Serbian, or Montenegrin studies are also available.

Graduate students specializing in Slavic, East European, or Eurasian fields may be eligible for a variety of other departmental and University fellowships, grants-in-aid, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships, as well as ISEEES fellowships (for ISEEES-affiliated student only). Students are advised to visit the Graduate Fellowship Office, 318 Sproul Hall, or the GFO website(link is external).

ISEEES Domestic Conference Travel Grants provide limited travel support for ISEEES-affiliated graduate students. Grants up to $750 for a conference in California and up to $1000 for a conference elsewhere in the United States are awarded to students who are on the official program of a professional conference or workshop in the United States. Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited to one grant per student per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Students may apply for an additional domestic conference grant in lieu of an international conference grant.

To apply, send a request listing the event, the panel, and the paper along with an itemized budget including transportation, accommodation, registration, meals, and incidental expenses, at least two weeks prior to departure to sends e-mail).
Deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis. Contact: Jeffrey Pennington, Executive Director of ISEEES, UC Berkeley, 260 Stephens Hall #2304, Berkeley CA 94720-2304; e-mail: sends e-mail)

ISEEES International Conference Travel Grants provide limited travel support for ISEEES-affiliated graduate students. Grants up to $1500 are awarded to students who are on the official program of a professional conference or workshop outside of the United States. Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited to one grant per student per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). To apply, send a request listing the event, the panel, and the paper along with an itemized budget including transportation, accommodation, registration, meals, and incidental expenses, at least two weeks prior to departure to sends e-mail).
Deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis. Contact: Jeffrey Pennington, Executive Director of ISEEES, UC Berkeley, 260 Stephens Hall #2304, Berkeley CA 94720-2304; e-mail: sends e-mail)

The Drago and Danica Kosovac Prize is awarded for an outstanding work written by a UC Berkeley student on some aspect of Serbian studies or for graduate research in the field of Serbian studies. Eligible fields are broadly defined to include all areas of history, language, culture, arts, society, politics, economics, and institutions of Serbia. Prize amounts include: $750 for an undergraduate research paper; or $1500 for graduate student travel, research, or a written paper. All Cal students are eligible to apply. The application includes: a cover letter, one electronic copy of the work or outline, and a letter of recommendation from the student’s academic advisor. 
Deadline: accepted on a rolling basis. Contact: Jeffrey Pennington, ISEEES, UC Berkeley, 260 Stephens Hall # 2304, Berkeley CA 94720-2304; sends e-mail)

The Peter N. Kujachich Endowment in Serbian and Montenegrin Studies offers awards up to approximately $5,000 to faculty and/or graduate student projects that focus on the experience of the Serbian and Montenegrin peoples. Undergraduate students may also apply for funding of a research program that focuses on Serbia and Montenegro. Applications should consist of a research or project proposal, budget, and letter of recommendation from department chair or faculty advisor. 

Deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis. Contact: Jeffrey Pennington, ISEEES, UC Berkeley, 260 Stephens Hall # 2304, Berkeley CA 94720-2304; sends e-mail)

The Hertelendy Endowment in Hungarian Studies offers awards to encourage and recognize the study of Hungary by students, faculty, and researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The Hertelendy Endowment in Hungarian Studies provides partial support (tuition, stipend, and/or travel and research-related expenses) to UC Berkeley graduate students working in Hungarian studies. UC Berkeley faculty, undergraduates, and visiting researchers may also apply for funding of research projects devoted to Hungarian studies. Eligible fields are broadly defined to include all areas of history, language, culture, arts, society, politics, economics, and institutions of Hungary; and research projects may include conference presentations and language study. An application consists of a letter of intent, research proposal, budget, and letter of recommendation from faculty advisor or department chair. 

Deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis. Contact: Jeffrey Pennington, UC Berkeley, 260 Stephens Hall # 2304, Berkeley CA 94720-2304; Tel: 510-643-6736; sends e-mail)