ISEEES Newsletters

ISEEES publishes 2 newsletter issues a calendar year: fall and spring. In the past, there was a summer issue as well, which has been discontinued. The newsletter regularly contains: articles from our affiliated graduate students, faculty, and guest speakers; notes from the institute director; a list of selected courses for the fall and spring semesters; news about our outreach programs; news about our faculty, students, and alumni; recent fellowship awards; participants in selected recent conferences; upcoming events and fellowship deadlines; recent publications; and short announcements. We have recently moved away from printing paper copies, and the newsletter is only available in an electronic format.

Newsletter issues are available below in PDF format. You must have Acrobat Reader(link is external) (free software from Adobe) in order to view these files.

Spring/Summer 2020 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2020.pdf] 12 pages, 718KB (PDF file)

  • "Reinventing Democracy at Mauerfall30 and Święto Wolności i Solidarności" by Pawel Koscielny, PhD Candidate, History, UC Berkeley.

Fall/Winter 2018 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2018.pdf] 8 pages, 417KB

  • "Mourning the Martyred Tsar. Notes from Ekaterinburg on the Centenary of the Romanovs' Execution" by Joy Neumeyer, PhD Candidate, History, UC Berkeley.

Spring/Summer 2018 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2018.pdf] 13 pages, 790KB (PDF file)

  • "#PolishRighteous. Presentism, Populism and the Holocaust Memory" by Ula Madej-Krupitski, PhD Candidate, History, UC Berkeley.
  • "Book Review: From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin's Russia" by Edward W. Walker, ISEEES Research Fellow, UC Berkeley.

Fall/Winter 2017 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2017.pdf] 20 pages, 718KB (PDF file)

  • "Memorialization: Preserving and Destroying the Past" by Katharine Kuchinski, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "Merely Players: The Role of Performative Assimilation" by Madeleine Karydes, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "The Affect of Displacement" by Roya Aghavali, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "Dissent and Subversion: Václav Havel and the Truth" by Jacob Elsanadi, BA 2018, UC Berkeley.
  • "Gombrowicz According to Miłosz" by Thomas Sliwowski, Graduate Student, Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley.

Spring/Summer 2017 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2017.pdf] 16 pages, 1.4MB (PDF file)

  • "CEU - the view from the Raoul Wallenberg Guesthouse, Buda" by Victoria Frede, Associate Professor, History, UC Berkeley.
  • "Beyond Dichotomies: Rethinking the Liberal Agenda" by Laura Jalki, Graduate Student, Political Science, UC Berkeley.
  • "Films without a Hero: Sergei Loznitsa at the Pacific Film Archive" by Matthew Kendall, Graduate Student, Slavic Languages and Literatures, UC Berkeley.
  • "Illiberalism is for the Children: Poland's 2016 Education Reform, Kids' Combat Associations, and the Philosophy of History" by Pawel Koscielny, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley.

Fall/Winter 2016 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2016.pdf] 20 pages, 1.25MB (PDF file)

  • "Confessions of a Historical Activist: Teaching and Learning Empathy in Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic" by Sarah Cramsey, Professor of Practice, Jewish Studies, Tulane University.
  • "Living Under a Lie" by Jonchee Kao, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "Shared Histories" by Jennifer Kim, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "A Breakdown of Medical Morals: A Review of Diary from the Years of Occupation" by Danielle McGinnis, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley.
  • "Lech Kaczyński's ‘W Hour': Illiberal Ideology Collapses at the 72nd Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising" by Pawel Koscielny, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley.

Spring/Summer 2016 [ISEEES_NL_Spring16.pdf] 20 pages, 1MB (PDF file)

  • "Inside Russia's 'Internet Archipelago'" by Joy Neumeyer, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley.
  • "The Russian Student Association Makes a Comeback!" by Maria Martirosyan, BA 2016, Political Science and Slavic Languages and Literatures, UC Berkeley.
  • "Varieties of Capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe" by Laura Jakli, Graduate Student, Political Science, UC Berkeley.

Fall/Winter 2015 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2015.pdf] 16 pages, 534KB (PDF file)

  • "The Poetry of Time: Andrei Tarkovsky Film Retrospective" by Matthew Kendall, Graduate Student, Slavic Languages and Literatures, UC Berkeley.
  • "The Secret Funerals in Pskov: Spectacles of War and Spectres from the Past" by Emil Persson, Doctoral Student, Political Science, Lund University.

Spring/Summer 2015 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2015.pdf] 24 pages, 995KB (PDF file)

  • "Nuanced Creativity: Writing Imagined Biographies on Jewish-Gentile Coexistence in Modern Poland" by Sarah Cramsey, Visting Lecturer in History.
  • "Hungary's Autocratic Turn: Local, Regional, and Global Lessons" by Márton Dornbach, Assistant Professor of German Studies, Stanford University.
  • "Radio Free Europe and the Rhetoric of Liberation" by Stephanie Caitlin Thornton, BA History, Spring 2015, UC Berkeley.

Fall/Winter 2014 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2014.pdf] 16 pages, 1.57MB (PDF file)

  • "US-Russia Relations and the Ukraine Crisis" by Edward W. Walker, Executive Director of the Berkeley Program in Eurasian and East European Studies.

Spring 2014 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2014.pdf] 12 pages, 559KB (PDF file)

  • "'The Second Victory': Imagining Crimea from Moscow" by Joy Neumeyer, Ph.D. student in the Department of History, UC Berkeley.
  • "The World of Yesterday, Today" by Mark Keck-Szajbel, Ph.D. from the Department of History, UC Berkeley.
  • "The Past in Present Ukraine" by Bathsheba Demuth, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History, UC Berkeley.

Fall 2013 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2013.pdf] 20 pages, 647KB (PDF file)

  • "Typical Tin-Pots: Wealth without Welfare in Azerbaijan" by Marcy E. McCullaugh, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley.
  • "Transnationalizing Croatia's Nascent Opposition, 1989-1991" by Sarah Garding, Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley.

Spring 2013 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2013.pdf] 24 pages, 625KB (PDF file)

  • "Bread and Circus: Putin and the Sochi Olympics" by Edward W. Walker, Executive Director of the Berkeley Program in Eurasian and East European Studies.
  • "A True Polish Jew? Jewish-Gentile Coexistence in Ber of Bolechów’s Memoirs" by Sarah A. Cramsey, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History, UC Berkeley.

Fall 2012 [ISEEES_NL_Fall2012.pdf] 24 pages, 741KB (PDF file)

  • "European Involvement in Serbia: From Intervention to Integration?" by Dr. Branislav Radeljić, senior lecturer in international politics within the School of Law and Social Sciences, University of East London.
  • "Composing the Fur Seal: Globalization and Human Adaptation in the North Pacific" by Bathsheba Demuth, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History, UC Berkeley.

Spring 2012 [ISEEES_NL_Spring2012.pdf] 20 pages, 2113KB (PDF file)

  • "The Endurance of Putinism: Ideas, the Tandem, and Political Stability in Russia" by Boris Barkanov, Ph.D., Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley; Postdoctoral Fellow at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University.
  • "Why Is History Teaching So Often Debated In The Republic Of Moldova? " by Sergiu Musteaţă, Associate Professor, History Department, Ion Creangă State University, Chişinău, Moldova; visiting scholar with ISEEES during the Spring 2012 semester.

Fall 2011 [ISEEESNL_F2011.pdf] 24 pages, 433KB (PDF file)

  • "East Central European Archives: A Review" by Mark Keck-Szajbel, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History, UC Berkeley.
  • "Energy Restructuring and Social Distribution in Transition: The Model of East Germany and Poland" by Theocharis Grigoriadis, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley.  

Spring 2011 [ISEEES_NL_Spring 2011.pdf] 28 pages, 2360KB (PDF file)

  • "Yugonostalgia on Wheels: Commemorating Marshal Tito across Post-Yugoslav Borders" by Larisa Kurtović, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
  • "The End of a Violent Era: The Role of Force in Russian Business Conflicts" by Jordan Gans-Morse, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.

Fall 2010 [ISEEESNL_Fall_2010_Web] 28 pages, 744KB (PDF file)

  • "Medieval Trash to Modern Treasure: 1,000 Birchbark Letters and Counting " by Julia McAnallen, Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, UC Berkeley.
  • "Armenia’s Facebook Generation: Social Networks and Civic Activism in Armenia " by Mikayel Zolyan, Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences of the Valeri Brusov Yerevan State Linguistic University, Yerevan, Armenia, and former visiting researcher at ISEEES.
  • "'Prayers on the lips of the humble': History and the Search for Morality in Modernity: Marc Bloch’s The Historian’s Craft; Michel de Certeau’s The Writing of History" by Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock, Ph.D. in History from UC Berkeley in 2010, and Assistant Professor at the Department of History and at the College of Social Sciences at Wesleyan University, Connecticut.

Spring 2010 [ISEEES_NL_Spring 2010.pdf] 28 pages, 428KB (PDF file)

  • "Fashioning Russia: The production of a new Russian ‘other’ " by Nina Renata Aron, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
  • "Revolving Power: A Diary of Another Kyrgyz Revolution" by Nina Bagdasarova, former visiting Fulbright scholar with ISEEES and Associate Professor at the American University in Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
  • "International Commercial Arbitration: The Model Law and The Czech, Latvian, and Slovak Arbitration Laws Compared" by Ekaterina Apostolova, J.D. candidate (2010) at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.

Fall 2009 [ISEEESNL_Fall09.pdf] 28 pages, 450KB (PDF file)

  • "Some Reflections on the “Global” Crisis in Latvia" by Alexandre Beliaev and Dace Dzenovska, Ph.D. Candidates in the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
  • ""Socialism’s Decrepit, Useless Monuments: Can We Really Do without Them?" by Zhivka Valiavicharska, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley.
  • "Kafka and the Fate of the Body in a Surveillance Society: A Foucauldian Reading of Franz Kafka’s 'In The Penal Colony'" by Daniela Stoica, Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages at University Fan S. Noli in Korçë, Albania, and former visiting scholar with ISEEES at UC Berkeley. 

Spring 2009 [ISEEESNLSpring09.pdf] 28 pages, 502 KB (PDF file)

  • "Talking Politics in Central Siberia" by Danielle Lussier, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.
  • "The Growth of Czech Feminism through Resistance Activities from 1968 to 1993" by Megan R. Martin, History Department alumna, UC Berkeley, currently graduate student in politics at New York University.
  • "Negative Gender Stereotypes and Prejudices in the Slovene Social-Religious Sphere" by Dr. Nadja Furlan, Research Assistant at the Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia.

Fall 2008 [ISEEESNLFall08.pdf] 28 pages, 589 KB (PDF file)

  • "Summer in the Caucasus" by Erik R. Scott, Ph.D. candidate in history, University of California, Berkeley.
  • "Comparing Regimes of Ethnicity in the Five Central Asian Republics: Commonalities and Differences in the Post-Soviet Period, 1992-2007" by Sener Akturk, Ph.D. candidate in political science, University of California, Berkeley
  • "The Attitudes of Armenian Youth toward European Culture and Potential Integration with Europe in the Context of Cultural and Ethnic Self-identification" by Gohar Shahnazaryan, assistant professor of sociology at Yerevan State University, Armenia, visiting scholar with ISEEES, Spring 2008.

Summer 2008 [Summer08.pdf] 28 pages, 717 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Leninist Legacy and Political Attitudes in Postcommunist Russia" by Danielle Lussier, Ph.D. candidate in political science, University of California, Berkeley
  • "Utopia as a Genre of Political Action" by Nina Bagdasarova, Associate Professor of Psychology at the Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University in Bishkek and a visiting scholar with ISEEES during the 2007-2008 Academic Year

Spring 2008 [Spring 08.pdf] 28 pages, 892 KB (PDF file)

  • "50 Years of Slavic Studies at Berkeley: the Prelude to 1957" by Jason Morton, undergraduate student, UC Berkeley.
  • "Contagious, Incurable, or Deconstructed? The Myth of Grunwald/Tannenberg in Polish and German Collective Identity" by Mark Aaron Keck-Szajbel, Ph.D. candidate in history, UC Berkeley

Fall 2007 [Fall 07 NL.pdf] 28 pages, 333 KB (PDF file)

  • "Sochi's Winter Olympics: The Friendship of Nations Dream" by Mieka Erley, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "A Talsinki State of Mind" by Richard David, J.D. candidate, Berkeley School of Law

Summer 2007 [nlsummer2.pdf] 28 pages, 1434 KB (PDF file)

  • "Explaining the Variation in Political Regime Outcomes after Communism: Displacement of the Communist Era Nomenklatura and Democratization" by Sener Akturk, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Banning Headscarves in Bulgaria" by Kristen Ghodsee, Institute for Advanced Study, Bowdoin College

Spring 2007 [2007_24-01.pdf] 28 pages, 365 KB (PDF file)

  • "Summer in Samarkand" by Elif Kale Lostuvali, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology
  • "Czech Perceptions of Roma in the First Republic" by James Krapfl, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Fall 2006 [2006_23-03.pdf] 28 pages, 438 KB (PDF file)

  • "How Intellectuals, Writers, and Students Contributed to the Delegitimization of the Soviet Regime in Hungary Prior to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956" by Rachel J. McCullough-Sanden (A.B. with High Honors in Sociology, UC Berkeley, 2006)
  • "Montenegro: Not for Sale" by Elena Morabito, Ph.D. student, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Summer 2006 [2006_23-02.pdf] 24 pages, 356 KB (PDF file)

  • "Off-Center: Towards the Problem of Marginality in the Early Soviet Film" by Polina Barskova, Ph.D., Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "Russia's 'Strategic Partnership' with the United States: Predetermined Breakup?" by Denis Alexeev, visiting scholar, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Spring 2006 [2006_23-01.pdf] 32 pages, 467 KB (PDF file)

  • "Towards a New Literature of Cultural Liminality: Figuring In-Betweenness in Contemporary Polish Poetry" by Magdalenda Kay, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Comparative Literature
  • "The Courtyard Dwellers" by Izabela Filipiak, visiting scholar, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and the Beatrice M. Bain Research Group
  • Book Review: Revolutionary Passage by Marc Garcelon. Review by Elife Kale Lostuvali, graduate student, Department of Sociology
  • "Whither the Union? Interim Findings on the 'Changing Ethnic Makeup of Montenegro and the Independence Referendum" by Andrej Milivojevic, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, and Milos Besic, Ph.D.

Fall 2005 [2005_22-03.pdf] 28 pages, 465 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Monetization of L'got: Politics of Welfare and International Change in Russsia" by Susanne Wengle, Ph.D. student, Department of Political Science
  • "A Digital Map of Petersburg at the Beginning of the 20th Century" by Olga Matich, professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Summer 2005 [2005_22-02.pdf] 28 pages, 344 KB (PDF file)

  • "Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian Electronic Corpora in Light of the Current Linguistic Situation" by Elena Morabito, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "A Symbolist Palette: The Aesthetics of Andrei Bely's Zoloto v lazuri" by Jonathan Stone, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "Montenegro, Oasis in the Balkans: An Overview of Human Rights and Diversity" by Ivana Jelic, LL.M., lecturer, Law School, University of Montenegro

Spring 2005 [2005_22-01.pdf] 32 pages, 420 KB (PDF file)

  • "Yids from the Hood: The Image of the Jewish Gangster from Odessa" by Jarrod Tanny, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "A Dialogue with Dostoevsky: Orhan Pamuk's The Black Book" by Kathryn D. Schild, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Fall 2004 [2004_21-03.pdf] 32 pages, 419 KB (PDF file)

  • "Approaching War Trauma: Russian Psychiatrists Look at Battlefield Breakdown During WWI" by Jacqueline Friedlander, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Arranging the Nation in Slovenian Musical Practices" by Maria K. Arko Klemenc, Ph.D. 2004, Department of Music
  • "Expedition on the Lena River" by Oliver Dusan Monson, Molceular and Cell Biology and Anthropology

Summer 2004 [2004_21-02.pdf] 32 pages, 387 KB (PDF file)

  • Tributes to Professor Reginald E. Zelnik
  • "Noah London and Birobidzhan" by John Holmes, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Identity Politics in the Schools of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia" by Naomi Levy, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science

Spring 2004 [2004_21-01.pdf] 32 pages, 264 KB (PDF file)

  • "East as Poetry: The Bosnian Story, Seen Through the Eyes of the Interpreter" by Vesna Rodic, Ph.D. candidate, Department of French
  • "Local Services for Mobile Populations: Migrant Labor and Public Health in the Russian Zemstvo, 1890-1912" by Lisa K. Walker, Ph.D. 2003, Department of History
  • Book Review: Vagabond Life: The Caucasus Journals of George Kennan. Review by Dana Sherry, graduate student, Department of History, UC Davis

Fall 2003 [2003_20-03.pdf] 32 pages, 392 KB (PDF file)

  • "Serbian and Russian Nationalism and the Disintegration of the Yugoslav and Soviet States" by Neil Abrams, Ph.D. student, Department of Political Science
  • "Surveying the Silk Road: A Review of Recent Political Science Contributions" by Regine Spector, Ph.D. student, Department of Political Science
  • "Malcontent in Cambridge" by Izabela Filipiak, visiting scholar, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Summer 2003 [2003_20-02.pdf] 32 pages, 425 KB (PDF file)

  • "A Nation on a Journey: Adam Mickiewicz and the Paradigm of the Polish Pilgrim" by Ingrid Kleepsies, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "A Tale of Three Cities: Considering Divided Cities in the Former Yugoslavia" by Emily Shaw, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • Book Review: All Russia is Burning! Review by Lisa K. Walker, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Spring 2003 [2003_20-01.pdf] 28 pages, 474 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Modern Slave Trade in Post-Communist Europe" by Michael Carpenter, Ph.D. 2002, Department of Political Science
  • "A Window On the Lake: On and Around Stalin's Belomorkanal" by Michael Kunichika, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Book Review: Historical Atlas of Central Europe. Review by Christine Kulke, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Fall 2002 [2002_19-04.pdf] 32 pages, 1,457 KB (PDF file)

  • "Alexander Rodchenko: Modern Photography, Photomontage, Film" by Alla Efimova, Associate Curator, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
  • "Documenting the Lives of Romania's Street Children" by Scott Squire, M.J. candidate, Graduate School of Journalism
  • "Georgia's Pankisi Gorge" by Shorena Kurtsikidze, Research Associate, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, and Vakhtang Chikovani, Independent Scholar
  • Book Review: The Soul of Kazakhstan. Review by Sanjyot Mehendale, Executive Director, Caucasus and Central Asia Program

Summer 2002 [2002_19-03.pdf] 32 pages, 1,326 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Rhetoric of the Velvet Revolution" by James Krapfl, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Andrey Volkonsky, the Young Composers, and the Beginnings of Twelve-tone Music in the Soviet Union, 1956-1961" by Peter J. Schmelz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Music History

Spring 2002 Special Supplement [2002_19-02.pdf] 16 pages, 1,608 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Migration of Serbs and Albanians within and between Inner Serbia and Kosovo c. 1930-1981" by E. A. Hammel, professor emeritus in the Departments of Anthropology and Demography, and Mirjana Stevanovic, research fellow, Archaeological Research Facility

Spring 2002 [2002_19-01.pdf] 36 pages, 1,032 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Modernist Rhetoric of Desire in the Poetry of Zinaida Gippius" by Stiliana Milkova, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Comparative Literature
  • "Setting Boundaries on the Public Administration in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic" by Conor O'Dwyer, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science

Fall 2001 [2001_18-03.pdf] 32 pages, 1,233 KB (PDF file)

  • "Report from Bulgaria: Introducing His Majesty and His Excellency, Mr. Saxecoburgotski" by Kristen Ghodsee, Ph.D. candidate in social and cultural studies, Graduate School of Education
  • "International Intervention and Recent Regime Changes in Croatia and Serbia" by Andrej Krickovic, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • Book Review: To the Harbin Station. Review by Elziabeth McGuire, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Summer 2001 [2001_18-02.pdf] 28 pages, 725 KB (PDF file)

  • "Time Versus Place as the Basis of Self-Identity: Life Histories of Polish Local Politicians" by Tomek Grabowski, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Exiles at Home and Abroad: The Bulgarian Intelligentsia in Emigration" by Maria Stoilkova, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology
  • "The Balkans and the West After Milosevic" by Edward W. Walker, Executive Director, Berkeley Program in Eurasian and East European Studies, ISEEES

Spring 2001 [2001_18-01.pdf] 32 pages, 1,005 KB (PDF file)

  • "Trading Children for Childhood" by Rachael Stryker, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology
  • "Lessons from the 1998 Russian Financial Crisis" by Galina B. Hale, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Economics

Fall 2000 [2000_17-03.pdf] 32 pages, 849 KB (PDF file)

  • "Gotov Je—He's History!" by Barbara Voytek, Executive Director, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
  • "Women and Economic Transition: Mobsters and Mail-Order Brides in Bulgaria" by Kristen Ghodsee, Ph.D. candidate in social and cultural studies, Graduate School of Education
  • Conference Report: "Tolstoy and World Literature" by Anne Hruska, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Summer 2000 [2000_17-02.pdf] 28 pages, 536 KB (PDF file)

  • "Triumph of the Opportunists: The Political Rebirth of Ex-Communists" by Mieczyslaw Pavel Boduszynski, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Regenerating the Republic: The Monitor and Economic Reform in the Polish Enlightenment" by Anna Wertz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Spring 2000 [2000_17-01.pdf] 28 pages, 706 KB (PDF file)

  • "Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra and the Demise of Hungary's 'Third Way'" by Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Music
  • "Fixed Phrases for Language Learners: On the Material of Armenian and English Languages" by Dr. Gayaneh Hagopian, visiting scholar

Fall 1999 [1999_16-03.pdf] 24 pages, 453 KB (PDF file)

  • "Historical Commemoration and Local Civic Identity in Nizhnii Novgorod, 1884-1913" by Lisa K. Walker, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Photo essay: "Housing the New Elites in Prague" by Raymond June, Ph.D. candidate in social and cultural studies, Graduate School of Education
  • "Poland's Old-New Political Elites" by Thomas W. Simons, Jr., consulting professor of history at Stanford University and distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution

Summer 1999 [1999_16-02.pdf] 32 pages, 493 KB (PDF file)

  • "Slavic Center Reports on Kosovo." Report on recent lectures by Anna Wertz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Remembering the German Minority: The Search for Restitution and Reconciliation in Poland and the Czech Republic" by Winson W. Chu, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Lecture Summary: "Jewish Higher Education and Empire in Fin-de-Siecle Russia" by Ben Nathans. Summary by Deborah Yalen, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Photo essay: "Signs of Change in Slovakia"

Spring 1999 [1999_16-01.pdf] 28 pages, 805 KB (PDF file)

  • "Movin' On Up: Bulgaria's Transition from the Ghetto of Europe to the Suburbs" by Robin S. Brooks, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Library News" by Dr. Allan Urbanic, Librarian for Slavic Collections
  • Book Review: The Bridge to Dalmatia. "The Myth of Meaning," a review by Marie Alice L'Heureux, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Architecture

Fall 1998 [1998_15-03.pdf] 28 pages, 635 KB (PDF file)

  • "Eastern Jews and the Ethic of German Professionalism: The Making of the German Rabbi in the Breslau Theological Seminary" by Lisa Swartout, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Market Failure and Corruption in the Czech Republic" by Andrew Schwartz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Itineraries of the Afterlife: Handling the Relics of Lenin and Nicholas II" by Dr. William Nickell, Ph.D. 1998, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Summer 1998 [1998_15-02.pdf] 20 pages, 509 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Golem in Magic Prague" by Hope Subak-Sharpe, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Book Review: ProFeminina: Contemporary Women's Literature in Serbia. Review by Dr. Mirjana Stevanovic, Outreach Coordinator, Center for Slavic and East European Studies
  • Speaker Report: "The Transmission of Trauma Across Generations: Writing a Memoir of a 'Baby Boom' Childhood and the Armenian Genocide." Report on Peter Balakian's visit by Alexandra Wood, Program Assistant, Center for Slavic and East European Studies
  • "The Social Meanings of Swearings: Mat in the Russian Revolution" by Steve Smith, professor of history, University of Essex, England

Spring 1998 [1998_15-01.pdf] 20 pages, 180 KB (PDF file)

  • "An Archaeology of Socialism: Ethnoarchaeological Research at a Constructivist Housing Complex in Moscow" by Victor Buchli, research fellow, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University, England
  • "Who is Afraid of His Nationality? 'Point Five' and Russia's New Internal Passport" by Sven Gunnar Simonsen, visiting scholar from the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Norway
  • "New Library Service for Spring 1998" by Dr. Allan Urbanic, Librarian for Slavic Collections

Fall 1997 [1997_14-03.pdf] 16 pages, 369 KB (PDF file)

  • "AIDS: A View from Moscow" by Evgenii Bershtein, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "The Politics of Memory: The MEMORIAL Movement in Russia" by Jan Plamper, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Public Servant or 'Superspy'? State Control of Economic Information in Post-Communist Poland" by Elzbieta W. Benson, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology

Spring 1997 [1997_14-02.pdf] 16 pages, 438 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Future of Social Sciences in the Former Soviet Union" by Nina B. Bubnova, Ph.D. candidate, School of Public Policy
  • "Ossified in East Berlin" by Greg Castillo, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Architecture
  • Book Review: Cracks in the Iron Closet and Out of the Blue. Review by Robert Wessling, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Panel Report: The East European Literary Scene After Communism by Martina Moravcova, visiting scholar from Charles University, Prague
  • "Out of the Drawer: Ivan Klima Visits Berkeley" by Martina Moravcova, visiting scholar from Charles University, Prague

Winter 1997 [1997_14-01.pdf] 16 pages, 337 KB (PDF file)

  • Book Review: Ivo Andric Revisited. Review by Charles Greer, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Book Review: Poverty is Not a Vice: Charity, Society, and the State in Imperial Russia. Review by Z. Ronald Bialkowski, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Speaker Report: "A Russian Perspective on NATO Expansion" by Anne Clunan, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science

Fall 1996 [1996_13-03.pdf] 20 pages, 454 KB (PDF file)

  • Book Review: The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism. Review by Chad Bryant, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Panel Report: Russia After the Presidential Elections by Robin Brooks, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Adventures in Slavic Studies: Jerome B. Landsfield and the Beginning of Teaching of Russian History at the University of California, Berkeley" by Ilya Vinkovetsky, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "Poland's Newest Nobel Laureate" by Robert Wessling, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Summer 1996 [1996_13-02.pdf] 20 pages, 122 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Challenges of Publishing in Poland" by Jerzy Illg, editor-in-chief of Znak Publishing House, Poland
  • "The Birobidhan Idea" by David Shneer, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "'Provincial Culture' in Contemporary Russian Studies" by Dr. Svetlana Minsk, visiting scholar from Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
  • Conference Report: Ethnographies of Transition by Professor Michael Burawoy, Department of Sociology
  • Library News: Electronic Resources for Slavic and East European Studies by Dr. Allan Urbanic, Head of Slavic Collections

Winter 1996 [1996_13-01.pdf] 16 pages, 79 KB (PDF file)

  • Book Review: The Magnetic Mountain. Review by Brian Kassof, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Book Review: The Balkan Tragedy. Review by Lise Svenson, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science

Fall 1995 [1995_12-04.pdf] 24 pages, 132 KB (PDF file)

  • "The Many Faces of Yugoslavia" by Veljko Vujacic, assistant professor of sociology, Oberlin College
  • Book Review: Stalin's Drive West. Review by David Engerman, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • Conference Report: Seventh International Flint Symposium by Dr. Barbara Voytek, Executive Director, Center for Slavic and East European Studies
  • Conference Report: Workers and the Intelligentsia in Russia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries by Professor Reginald Zelnik, Department of History

Summer 1995 [1995_12-03.pdf] 24 pages, 122 KB (PDF file)

  • "Two Perspectives on Ukrainian Identity" by Kari Johnstone, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • Book Review: The Living and the Dead. Review by Anna Wertz, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History
  • "The Russian Far East" by Ilya Vinkovetsky, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History

Spring 1995 [1995_12-02.pdf] 24 pages, 183 KB (PDF file)

  • "Who are the Chechen?" by Professor Johanna Nichols, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • "The Crisis in Chechnya" by Dr. Edward W. Walker, Executive Director, Berkeley Program in Eurasian and East European Studies
  • "Poland's 'Velvet Restoration': One Year After" by Tomasz Grabowski, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Political Science
  • "Minority Rights in Hungary," summary of lectures by Dr. Peter Haslinger, visiting scholar from the Institute for East and Southeast European Research, University of Vienna